
Rust - The Longest War

(image from Amazon.com)

Jonathan Waldman has written a book called 'Rust - The Longest War', and not surprisingly, it is about corrosion. But not from a purely professional, materials science perspective. Waldman is more of a journalist than a writer of professional literature, and it shows in the way he promotes the more human aspects in the book. The people he writes about are presented well and often with several background stories. 

Am amusing thin, red line he has managed to weave through the entire book, is short comments every now and again about the mustaches of some of the men he writes about. This is something he also makes a point of on his web page, where it is written at the bottom: {Made while sporting a mustache}.

In addition he manages to make a subject that can sound really dull, to become quite interesting. After having read the book, you will not have gained any professional knowledge to use in your work, but you will have a good insight into into how big a part of our lives are affected by corrosion, and that it actually is possible to combat it.

If you like to read books, I heartily recommend this one, which can be obtained from i.e. Amazon, or maybe it is possible to borrow it in a library nearby. If you prefer to listen to audiobooks, that is also fully possible, and you can use i.e. Audible to get it.

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