
A few seconds of fame!

One of the national Norwegian tabloid newspapers, VG, decided to do a piece this easter about the Norwegian "oil crisis", that is to say the effect the massive drop in oil price has had on the oil and gas industry here in Norway. They decided to do interviews with ten affected people. While looking for people to interview, they asked NITO Nord-Rogaland og Sunnhordaland, the local branch of NITO (The Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists) that I belong to. Since I did the opening ten minutes of an event they were participating in a few weeks back (see the "Public appearance" post), they named me as a candidate to the journalist. And suddenly, on Monday 21st, I saw this in the newspaper:

And a buddy of mine linked this to me. Both of the pieces are in Norwegian, but the gist of them is that I have been affected by the "oil crisis" by being placed on a forced leave of absence (basically temporarily losing my job and becoming eligible for social support) from Imenco AS, and that in the meantime I have found temporary work as a lecturer at Stord/Haugesund University College. It also delves into the emotional turmoil you experience in such a situation.

So without actually intending it, I ended up with a few seconds of fame while enjoying the ski resort and cross-country skiing opportunities in Hovden, Norway, this easter.

I will be back next with the next part of my 3D-print project.